All freelance and contract guides would fall under the self-employed category of professional guides covers.

Our SATIB24 Crisis Call is one of Africa’s leading critical incident management services with an insurance component ONLY available to SATIB clients. It forms an integral part of our African presence and can be coupled with medical emergency evacuation policies that can cover guests, staff or both. Critical incidents impose a threat of loss – something bad happening that may cost life, limb, and money, loss of reputation, property or asset damage or business interruption. Management of these situations by our specialist team minimise the loss and maximises the outcome. It is about taking the “luck factor” out of incidents and doing the things that stack the odds in your favour. The field of litigation has changed somewhat with liability becoming an onerous threat to all markets and for this reason we offer additional support by taking the load off your shoulders by managing the incidents and controlling exposure.

The Professional Guides cover has been designed for the benefit of full time, self-employed and freelance guides (of all disciplines) , volunteer co-ordinators, guide trainers, trackers, game scouts and also applies to Tour Bus drivers, coach drivers and the suchlike as well. In essence it applies to anyone involved within the tourism or conservation sectors whose roles involve some form of implied duty of care to those guests, clients and or staff under their direct control.

Provided you are South African and have a South African bank account you are more than welcome to make use of the product. The only potential shortfall is that your medical evacuation limit may not be sufficient for evacuations from certain external territories, but due to the fact that you should already have your own evacuation policy (external to SA) in place, this shouldn’t be a problem as they can supplement one other. Limits are in prescribed in Rands and will be paid into you SA account in Rands accordingly.

Foreign nationals living and working in South Africa in the conservation or tourism sectors (guides, volunteers, researchers) are eligible to make use of the product provided the premiums are paid in South Africa from a South African bank account with the awareness that in this situation all stipulated covers are applicable within South Africa only.

Please note that the SATIB Professional Guides product is not meant to replace any existing medical aid or life cover you might have but rather serves as a means to supplement your existing plans and add specific coverage that your existing policies just cannot offer you as a guide.